Have you ever thought that you might like to try flying a drone? Have you ever thought about trying your hand at aerial photography? Several months ago I purchased a DJI Mavic Mini and it has changed everything for me. It’s changed the way I view photography, the way I approach angles while shooting, it’s pretty much changed everything for me with a very fresh and new perspective. This tiny drone, being only 249 grams, doesn’t even need to be registered in most countries because it falls under the 250 gram weight class. But, here is also the caveat, and that being because it is so lightweight, that it doesn’t handle the wind well at all. In fact, I found myself waiting for summer mornings in New England when the winds were light and variable, meaning almost non-existent. I did, however, take some chances where maybe I shouldn’t have had it in the sky, like the photo that accompanies this blog. On that late afternoon, the winds were pretty strong in Guilford Maine, and I decided that there was no way I was going home without what I went there for. And that it to capture the train trestle that passes over Ship Pond Stream, which empties out from Onawa Lake, all the way down to Sebec Lake. And so, I put the drone up in the air even with the stiff wind. I will say too that it is pretty exhilarating to see the drone off in the distance, and then to look down at your tablet, to see the most glorious vision you have ever witnessed. And you get to take pictures of this view!! So if you don’t mind not being ably to fly while it’s windy, meaning probably any wind above 10 to 15 mph or so, you’re good to go. One other thing that I feel is worth mentioning is that many experts will tell you that the Mini’s 12mp camera won’t take great photos. And yes, that is true to a degree. But I have access to great software to help clean up much of what’s wrong with sub-par images, and for me, it’s not a huge issue. Not to mention that if you are only purchasing it to have decent photos, and not to blow them up huge, ( more than 11X14 I’d say ) then this little drone just might be perfect for you. What does this little gem of a drone cost? The Fly More Combo, which comes with three batteries total and a charging hub for all three of those batteries, right now is $499 on Amazon. Just the drone itself with one battery is $399. Just and FYI, currently there are rumors that DJI is already planning a Mavic Mini 2. Not much word on specs or cost, but it is something to think about if you’re in the market now. Hopefully this has provided you some information that you might find helpful. I know I could have used this advice when I was starting out. And also, feel free to reach out if you should have any questions. I really do enjoy helping people so it wouldn’t be an inconvenience on my part.
Wow, that is really cool.