I think producing photographs as works of art, or any other type of art, is mainly a product of us being inspired as human beings. The word inspire actually means to be “in spirit”, and there are many things that inspire me, that can inspire you as well. What is it that you see about someone else’s photography that you find pleasing? Is it the composition, the use of colors, the location or subject? Once you know what it is that inspires you, then you can head out into the field and use your own inspiration for yourself to use, as a tool for you to create your own version of what you want the world to see. What is it that you want the world to see? For me, I find beauty everywhere. I notice things pretty much everywhere I am with a sense of wonder and enchantment. Since my mom has passed I feel like my inspiration is even stronger for that hidden world that we often overlook. She knew just how much I loved things like lighthouses, full moons, sunsets/sunrises, snow scenes etc. And so I feel like she is with me now on every photo journey that I travel to. I feel like my mom’s grace and beauty is being infused into my travel, my thought process, and yes even into my luck or good fortune, as if the Heaven’s open up and show me a glimpse of what is on the other side. If you will notice this photo included in this piece, that light near the top of the bridge started out way off to the right when I arrived at the service road. When I got there, I was thinking how cool it would be if it could end up somewhere in the middle of the bridge. Like magic, it worked it’s way over to the middle, as if being directed by some magical force or energy. So I would suggest that we need to find our inspiration, not only just for photography, but in all aspects of life as well. For being inspired brings us closer to where we need to be, to bring forth our light, to light the way for others, even if it’s just in beautiful artwork or a photograph. How beautiful of a world would it be if we all found a way to be truly inspired, and each and every one of us brought forth our own special version of beauty into the world? Namaste.
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