Which is more important, artistic or technical ability in photography? This is a question that is sure to get some photographers riled up. Mainly because there are some that believe that the top of the line gear, and the know-how to use it, rains supreme. They feel that if you don’t have a Nikon D850, with all the bells and whistles, then you don’t even belong calling yourself a photographer. Rubbish I say. Don’t get me wrong, the best gear and technical know-how have much to add to certain aspects to a shot. But the most important component to a beautiful photograph is what’s in your heart. What do you see? What do you feel while you are standing at a sunset and trying to convey why it moves you so? If you can show the viewer what it is that touches your soul, if you can bring out into the world that magic that touches your heart, then I guarantee you that you are going to produce something that will have the same affect on the viewer. I have seen images taken by a ten year old with a cell phone camera that would put some professional photographers to shame. Almost as if they have this unique ability to see the world differently than most. And maybe they do. They are in tune with what they see, what moves them, what touches their heart and soul. I can tell you that when I am shooting a scene like the one that I included with this blog, I am looking at absolutely everything. I’m looking at where the sun is in correlation with the subject. I am looking at where the clouds are positioned, is the sun placing itself in those clouds? Is the sun reflecting off of anything like it is on lighthouse in this photo? Is there anything that won’t look good in the image, like in this case I was worried that the automobiles would show up well to ruin the shot? (it turns out they didn’t, as shooting into the sun made everything in the foreground underexposed and not even a factor) Yes, the settings matter. But nowhere near as much as showing the viewer what it is that moves you that you feel it with every fiber of your being. And that my friends, will get you a beautiful shot almost every time that you’re out in the field with a camera in your hand. Namaste.
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